[fæmli] noun
Life’s greatest blessing. A group that dreams,
laughs, plays and loves together. Those whom you
can always count on. Always present not only in the
good times. The most precious gift

[fæmli] noun
Life’s greatest blessing. A group that dreams,
laughs, plays and loves together. Those whom you
can always count on. Always present not only in the
good times. The most precious gift
A Unicorn themed cake smash celebrating Angelica’s 1st birthday, isn’t she the cutest little doll?
I can't help being cute. I was born this way!
What could be more gorgeous than portraits in a sundrenched field of sunflowers?
“A sunflower field is like a sky with a thousand suns.”
― Corina Abdulahm-Negura 🌻🌻🌻
The first principles of the camera were written down around between 470-390 BC and belong to the Chinese philosopher Mozi, he referred to this device as a “collecting plate” or charmingly … a “locked treasure room”.
The camera or the concept has been around for an astonishingly long time and painstakingly perfected, today basically everyone has a camera with them at any given moment, why I wonder? I think as humans we’ve always wanted to capture, freeze in time, relive and share the memories of our experiences that which is most important and precious to us. I cannot think of a better use of this incredible invention than to freeze in time the ages and stages of the ones we most love.
Capturing these little treasures just going about their every day little lives made for one of my favourite session ever… how can it be work when you’re having so much fun 😜I like to think of mom and dad looking back on these photos years from now and feeling their hearts swell with love remembering their girls at this precious age.
This little guy was having a really serious day, we didn’t get many smiles out of him despite us pulling out our funniest moves from behind the camera… but he for sure made us laugh with all his comical antics… like drinking his bath water and the funny faces he pulled at the bubbles :) Mom asked for some family pics, a pic with his nanny and his really big brother who is home from Cape Town during lockdown. I guess there are bright sides to lockdown!
My daughter pointed out to me the other day whilst I was editing this session that we have very few photos of us together. I was astounded when I thought of the fact that my children are the most precious people to me on this earth and yet I have very few photos of us together… I will have to rectify that! Moms are usually the ones behind the camera taking photos of the ones they love and never getting in the photos themselves.
The bond between a mother and her child is unlike any other. This pandemic, if anything has pointed out how life is truly precious and we often take for granted the time we have with those that mean the world to us.
Lindeni & Zemvelo…. these two are just too precious together and capturing the love they share just made my heart full 💕
These four and the winter sunshine made my heart full 💕