I really should do a “behind the scenes” cake smash… it’s actually quite hilarious the extents we are willing to go through to get babies to smile… and it’s always worth it 😊

1st year milestone
I really should do a “behind the scenes” cake smash… it’s actually quite hilarious the extents we are willing to go through to get babies to smile… and it’s always worth it 😊
This little guy was not impressed with his cake and wanted very little to do with it 😂Fortunately the bath came to the rescue!
What better place to eat watermelon than in the bath and capture some cute images whilst doing it?
Pro tip: Want some super cute photos of your baby? Stick them in a bath with something to do or eat 😊
Those cheeky little grins 😍He did not enjoy getting icing all over his hands and found it way more pleasing to smash his cake with a wooden spoon.
Those toothy smiles! Happy 1st birthday Ohene!
Super serious little cake smasher 😍
Those shy, little unicorn smiles 😍
Thingo means “Rainbow” in Zulu so of course we had to have a little rainbow theme for this cutie 😊