Celebrating adorable little Klara’s first birthday in the messiest way possible!

First Birthday
Celebrating adorable little Klara’s first birthday in the messiest way possible!
This little guy was having a really serious day, we didn’t get many smiles out of him despite us pulling out our funniest moves from behind the camera… but he for sure made us laugh with all his comical antics… like drinking his bath water and the funny faces he pulled at the bubbles :) Mom asked for some family pics, a pic with his nanny and his really big brother who is home from Cape Town during lockdown. I guess there are bright sides to lockdown!
I realize just how quickly time flies when my tiny newborn clients come back for their cake smash!
Happy 1st birthday Zibusiso!
Celebrating a special milestone for Neha…her first birthday!
He has to be the happiest little guy I’ve worked with! He went to town on his cake and had bits of it flying all over the studio 😂
If there was an award for “Cake Smasher of the Year” it would’ve been awarded to this little guy! He absolutely loved smashing his cake and couldn’t get enough of splashing either!