
Jessica & Steffan ➳ Married by Abigail Smith

Jessica and Steffan pledged their lifelong love to one another in front of a small group of close friends and family at Ndiza Lodge overlooking the estuary and the beautiful rolling sand dunes of St Lucia. It was a very laid back, casual wedding filled with love and laughter and many celebratory hugs. Wishing them many, many happy years of love and adventure together!

Chrystal & Zandre ➳ Couple's Session by Abigail Smith

Chrystal and Zandre are an easy-going, spirited and quirky couple who love spending time at home in front of the tv with their fur babies, trying out new restaurants they’ve found on Instagram and they haven't been to the coast in 8 years. 

I was so touched by their inspirational love story, they’ve endured hardships that most couples don’t make it through. They fell in love in Matric, they maintained a long distance relationship, having to spend a few years apart while studying and working in different cities. They moved in together and got engaged, excited about their life together, and then tragically Zandre was involved in a serious car accident in which he was paralysed. He underwent a spinal fusion and miraculously one day he was able to move his toes and his healing began. 8 Months after his operation he transitioned from a wheelchair to being able to walk on crutches.
In Chrystal’s words "It's phenomenal. I'm so proud of him and love him dearly. That's why this shoot is so special to us, I want to document him and us & his recovery and make the best of our new lives.” 

"You have no idea,
how good it feels,
to wake up every morning,
knowing you are mine and I am yours”

~ Source Unknown

Karien & Derrick ➳ Maternity by Abigail Smith

Karien and Derrick are big on adventure, they love the outdoors and mountain biking, they recently spent a month camping and exploring Southern Africa, but they're about to embark on their most magical adventure yet... they're having their first baby!

We had a tough time choosing a location for their shoot (the original location was practically ruined by trees in the area being felled). One afternoon on an outride I found this absolutely gorgeous field, the sun was low and all the glory of golden hour was captured in the autumn seed heads of the grass, I just knew I had to convince them to use this field. On the day of the session, I hoped and prayed that weather predictions would be correct and that the sun would make it's way down to the horizon without hiding behind a shroud of hazy clouds during the last half hour of its display (which unfortunately is common and a big disappointment). Well, the sun graced us with her magnificent presence and as she lowered towards the horizon she illuminated the field with her warm, golden magic creating the perfect canvas for showcasing one of life's most magical experiences... pregnancy. 

"Those first few weeks are an unearthly season. From the outside you remain so ordinary, no one can tell from looking that you have experienced an earthquake of the soul. You’ve been torn asunder, invested with an ancient, incomprehensible magic. It’s the one thing that we never quite get over: that we contain our own future."
~ Barbara Kingsolver

Du Preez ➳ Family Portraits by Abigail Smith

While a moody morning beach isn't what you'd imagine for fun family portraits it does set the scene for capturing emotive portraits (my favourite). I had such a fabulous time capturing memories for the Du Preez (who were out from Australia visiting with family) at Jex Estate on the stunning Umvoti beach, that I could've stayed all day long! Such charming, carefree and loving souls, see for yourself 

Rob & Amie ➳ Married by Abigail Smith

Thula Thula

Rob & Amie and their closest friends and family travelled all the way from the UK to Thula Thula game reserve in the green rolling hills of KZN; home to The Elephant Whisperer's herd of Elephants, for an intimate and personal celebration under African skies.

While the day started out as one of the hottest days of the year, with the guests lounging in and around the pool or staying indoors with the air conditioners on at full blast, it ended with rain pouring down just as Rob & Amie were exchanging vows.

Rob & Amie are two of the world’s warmest and most loving people who ensured everyone at their wedding was thought of and cared for, it was truely a pleasure to capture their wedding day for them. 

Puseletso & Thabang ➳ Engagement by Abigail Smith

It's always such fun to work with couples that are so in love. Puseletso wanted to celebrate her engagement to Thabang with a fun portrait session. Thabang proposed to her on her birthday; he threw her a birthday party, invited family and friends and whilst doing his speech went down on one knee in front of everyone and asked her the big question!

They met at varsity, have been together for 7 years and are both originally from Johannesburg. They are big foodies who love beautiful beaches, reading, playing basketball and going away on holidays. 

When I asked Puseletso what she loved about Thabang this is what she had to say:

"He has alway been by my side through everything for the past 7 cheerleader
He is insightful and gives the best advice ever
He puts us first
He makes me feel safe
He is my best friend and manages to make me smile on the toughest days of my life
He dosn't conform to what people want him to be or act as.
He helps me around the house.
He is playful"

Aren't they too sweet?! Enjoy the pics