Kenneth & Roxy were just amazing to work with, the snuggles and giggles and chemistry between them!
I'm counting the days until your wedding later this year!
"I got lost in you, and it's the kind of lost that feels exactly like being found"
~ Claire Lazebnik
Such a beautiful afternoon for a pre-wedding session for Dylan & Daniëlle. So looking forward to their wedding in May!
"You make the small moments special.
Life’s not always going to be full
of heart-throbbing thrills and non-stop adventure,
but when it slows down,
I'll know I can sit with you,
talk with you,
or hold you in my hands,
and still feel like I’m going 1000 miles an hour."
~ Beau Taplin//1 0 0 0 m p h
“If this isn't love, tell me what it is
'Cause I could be dreaming or just plain crazy
If this isn't love, tell me what it is
'Cause I never felt like this baby
If this isn't love
L-O-V-E, what is in me
L-O-V-E, oh if this isn't love”
~ Jennifer Hudson
~ Pablo Neruda
When Denver found out that Abigail had booked a couple’s portrait session with me he thought it would be the perfect time to surprise her with a marriage proposal! What a privilege to capture moments that will forever be a part of Abigail & Denver’s lives. Wishing them only happiness and love and many other surprising and romantic gestures! 💕
“There's always that one person that will always have your heart”
~ Usher
A pre-wedding shoot with these two love birds and their very cute and very energetic dogs.
“There are not enough days in forever to allow me to fully express the depth of my love for you.”
― Steve Maraboli
It's always such fun to work with couples that are so in love. Puseletso wanted to celebrate her engagement to Thabang with a fun portrait session. Thabang proposed to her on her birthday; he threw her a birthday party, invited family and friends and whilst doing his speech went down on one knee in front of everyone and asked her the big question!
They met at varsity, have been together for 7 years and are both originally from Johannesburg. They are big foodies who love beautiful beaches, reading, playing basketball and going away on holidays.
When I asked Puseletso what she loved about Thabang this is what she had to say:
"He has alway been by my side through everything for the past 7 years....my cheerleader
He is insightful and gives the best advice ever
He puts us first
He makes me feel safe
He is my best friend and manages to make me smile on the toughest days of my life
He dosn't conform to what people want him to be or act as.
He helps me around the house.
He is playful"
Aren't they too sweet?! Enjoy the pics